Hour 14 from New Mexico

Hi Kids!

We have a winner! The team of Dave and Kevin have finished their comic, “Doctor, Doctor”!

Congratulations Dave and Kevin on being the first to finish!

Now, for something completely different:

As some of you may or may not know, we here in Albuquerque are having another event, The Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta, the most photograhed event in the world, so they say. I managed to snag these photos of Saturday’s mass ascension:

We should have some pretty cool shots of balloons flying over later this morning, too.

Back for Hour 15…

Chuck and the 7000 B.C. Gang

Hours 10 and 11 from New Mexico

Hi Kids!

Night falls on 24 Hour Comic Day…
Here’s some of what Jeff is doing. If you can, blow it up. The detail is amazing.

Things are begining to slow down now. The ranks are thinning as the night draws on (get it? “draws on”– a drawing comic reference, heh-heh)…

The music is much less cacaphonous and eyelids are getting heavy. Not mine, of course…

Chuck and the 7000 B.C. Gang

New Orleans, Louisiana – Hour 9

Hey folks, we’re still here live from Antenna Gallery…

Cartoonist Eli Ivory working on his 24HCD project.

Eli Ivory, illustration #1

Eli Ivory illustration #2

Political Cartoonist John Slade continues his tradition of launching a new issue of “Afro Brother Spacemen” during 24HCD.

Afro Brother Spacemen covers for issues #1 and #2.

The first page of Afro Brother Spacemen issue #3. Stay tuned for more images.