And then there was John

Three years ago a small publishing company approached me about doing our 24 Hour Comics Challenge and had their two artists come on down. This is where I met John Narcomey who at the time was the Creative Director. He and I hit it off from the moment we met, but he is a person that you have to meet to understand. The book he did the first year at our store was Cholo Libre and this year he decide to follow it up with the sequel Cholo Libre in To Hell and Back. No matter what I say about this book it can’t be enough so here is John!!

First Timer

This year we are seeing a few new participants here at 4 Color. Most of them are recruits from previous year participants, which is how Chris Baird found out about us and decided to get it a try.

His book he is working on is about a prisoner who is a witness to nothing. The main character is a prisoner who sees a his new neighbor being brought in. Sometime in the night the new guy breaks out and murders his guards and the main character is questioned by the warden, but when he doesn’t have the answers they want….

The thing that is making this book most ambisious is the fact that he is watercoloring his book too!!

Hope he has time to finish it…..